Bullet For My Valentine Koncerty Setlist

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Top 10 nejhranějších písní od Bullet For My Valentine za posledních 40 koncertů.

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Písně, které by měly být zahrány živě, byly vydány na následujících albech:

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Jak dlouho koncert trvá?

Bullet For My Valentine bude na pódiu cca 1:27. Zde je pravděpodobný setlist na základě předchozích koncertů (99% pravděpodobnost):

Jméno písně
  1. Bullet For My Valentine cover Knives
  2. Over It cover Over It
  3. Fever cover Your Betrayal
  4. Gravity cover Piece of Me
  5. The Poison cover 4 Words (to Choke Upon)
  6. Fever cover The Last Fight
  7. The Poison cover All These Things I Hate (Revolve Around Me)
  8. Bullet For My Valentine cover Shatter
  9. Scream Aim Fire cover Scream Aim Fire
  10. Bullet For My Valentine cover Rainbow Veins
  11. Don't Need You (edit) cover Don't Need You
  12. The Poison cover Tears Don't Fall
  13. The Poison cover Suffocating Under Words of Sorrow (What Can I Do)
  14. Scream Aim Fire cover Waking the Demon

Bullet For My Valentine Tour Map 2024

Follow Bullet For My Valentine around the world and explore the places where you can catch Bullet For My Valentine on tour.
77 Upcoming concerts, in the following countries: Rakousko, Belgie, Kanada, Česko, Francie, Německo, Itálie, Lucembursko, Nizozemsko, Polsko, Portugalsko, Španělsko, Švýcarsko, Spojené království, Spojené státy, etc.

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Podobní umělci

  1. The Heart from Your Hate
  2. Until the World Goes Cold
  3. In Waves
Trivium Photo


  1. Hail to the King
  2. A Little Piece of Heaven
  3. Nightmare
Avenged Sevenfold Photo

Avenged Sevenfold

  1. Two Weeks
  2. This Calling
  3. What If I Was Nothing
All That Remains Photo

All That Remains

  1. Glitch
  2. Prey
  3. The Void
Parkway Drive Photo

Parkway Drive

  1. In The End
  2. Bleeders
  3. Knives and Pens
Black Veil Brides Photo

Black Veil Brides

  1. Feeding Demons
  2. Outcome
  3. Losing You
Dead by April Photo

Dead by April

  1. Right Side Of The Bed
  2. Becoming the Bull
  3. Drowning
Atreyu Photo


  1. Alone In A Room
  2. Not The American Average
  3. I Won't Give In
Asking Alexandria Photo

Asking Alexandria

  1. My Curse
  2. The End of Heartache
  3. Holy Diver
Killswitch Engage Photo

Killswitch Engage

  1. One For the Money
  2. Situations
  3. Broken Heart
Escape the Fate Photo

Escape the Fate

  1. Blinded
  2. My Own Grave
  3. Burden
As I Lay Dying Photo

As I Lay Dying

  1. Cold
  2. Exorchrist
  3. Vultures
AxeWound Photo


  1. Bad Company
  2. Wrong Side of Heaven
  3. Jekyll and Hyde
Five Finger Death Punch Photo

Five Finger Death Punch

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